Those machines soon gave way to a revolutionary change in desktop
computing – the Macintosh. The Mac OS was the first commercially
available and widely embraced system to use the graphical user interface
that is common today and a mouse for interacting with the icons on the
screen. The Mac was a giant success and rocketed Jobs and Apple into
position as one of the world’s most important computer companies. Upon leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT Computer,
a computer company that took the graphical lessons learned from the
success of the Mac and married them to the computing power of Unix. The
stylish and technologically advanced, but expensive, NeXT computers
never caught on in the way that the Apple II or Mac lines did, though
NeXT maintained a steady business from 1985-1997. And, come 1997, NeXT
would take on a new, and much more central role -- at Apple.
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