Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

  We will never automatically renew your magazine subscription, nor will we ever in any circumstance charge your credit card unless you physically go to our store and type in your credit card information to place another order. Often times publishers will send you a "renewal notice/invoice" when your subscription is coming to an end. These mailings are not coming from us. If you do not wish to renew your subscription, simply ignore these letters in the mail. The only time we will charge a customer's credit card is on the day they made their purchase on our website. Customers will never be recurrently charged for anything we sell.

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

Discount Mags

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